Strontium Dog

<strong>Late 22nd century</strong>. After the Atomic Wars of 2150, many survivors were warped by the Strontium 90 fallout. These ‘mutants’ became a victimised underclass, and the only job open to them was bounty hunting. One such Strontium Dog is <strong>Johnny Alpha</strong> whose mutant eyes allow him to see through solid objects and read brainwave patterns. <h3>The Strontium Dog Miniatures Game</h3> Strontium Dog is a skirmish tabletop battle game for two or more players set in the Strontium Dog universe defined by legendary comic creators John Wagner and Carlos Ezquerra. In it Mutant Search/Destroy agents – the Strontium Dogs – are bounty hunters in a dangerous universe full of outlaws, pirates and corruption. Their official sanction from the Galactic Crime Commission lets them operate across many worlds and jurisdictions – even time itself – yet they are hated and feared not just by the criminals they hunt but by normal people as well. Players take control of a small team of bounty hunters or the outlaws, criminals and renegades they hunt in gun battles, chases and showdowns across the galaxy.

Background, Strontium Dog

Character Focus: Middenface McNulty

Alcoholic manic-depressive bounty hunter. It’s time to look into the world of Middenface McNulty… Middenface McNulty gets his name from his rather peculiar mutation: his skull is covered in hard bumps. Due to this, he has an unnaturally hard skull, meaning he can take strong blows to the head which would normally kill a man….

Background, Strontium Dog

Character Focus: The Gronk

Bless your poor heartsies, it’s time to delve into the world of the Gronk! Gronks are a famously shy and timid life form from the planet Blas in the Gallego system. Early in his career, Johnny Alpha befriended a Gronk (later named as Gloppus) on the Astro-Liner Sondheim. Gronks being prone to heart attacks, however,…

Background, Strontium Dog

Who is – Wulf Sternhammer?

With the release of Warlord Games’ Strontium Dog: The Good, The Bad and The Mutie, it’s time to delve into the Doghouse and introduce one of our main characters…this time we find out more about Wulf Sternhammer! A Viking displaced in time? Perfect bounty hunter material! Wulf Sternhammer first appeared in Starlord comic #1. He…

Products, Strontium Dog

New: Strontium Dog – SD Agents

Heroes come in all shapes and sizes – quite literally in the Strontium Dog universe! Unleash the Strontium Dogs with the new SD Agents set! View in Store An angry, uncouth Scotsman with a penchant for the bottle, Archibald ‘Middenface’ McNulty joins Johnny Alpha on many jobs and is only too happy to ‘dish oot…