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    I’m sure this has been asked and answered many times since it is a most remedial question.

    Simply said, may an infantry formation within 12” of the enemy use its free move to advance to close range (6”) and issue fire, or would this require an order since this would be, in essence 2 actions?

    I can see it both ways, but am leaning one way, which I will not divulge

    Garry Wills

    Yes, you can always fire, the initiative move applies to movement only.

    Big Al

    Right, what makes you think that it requires two actions?

    Shooting does not require an order. Opening fire happens automatically in the Shooting Phase, which follows the Command Phase. All movement occurs during the Command Phase because a unit can only move as a result of an order (which includes acting on initiative) or as a result of a break test. Shooting is a form of combat and units are not ordered to fight. They do that automatically in the appropriate phase.

    So, as Garry has said, yes you can.


    Thanks guys, I was wondering because of a discussion regarding multiple moves and limiting firing

    Big Al

    Ah well, there is a suggested rule in the “Clash of Eagles” supplement, I think, which states that if a unit makes more than one move it cannot fire that turn. Not sure on the exact wording, as I have only just got the supplement and not read it yet. Too busy with BP2.

    Remember, that is a suggested/optional rule, not an actual rule. (Unless it has been included in BP2, but I haven’t seen it).

    Charge The Guns

    You can still move three times and fire in BP2. My group doesn’t play that in BP1 (and won’t in BP2), but that is still how the the vanilla rules play.


    In AT vol.2
    English player needs 3 infantry brigades to take heavy or light cavalry brugade. May guards infntry brigade be counted as one of these brigades for getting access to cavalry?

    Big Al

    The issue that I have with that restriction is that a formation change counts as a move. I believe that the restriction was put in because units can move a long way (36 inches) and then open fire, which some do not like, but changing formation is a bit extreme.

    Big Al

    I don’t see a problem. After all, the guards are still infantry!


    Too bad that ‘only one move and fire’ rule, is still in optional rules.. After it appeared in the Glory Hallelujah and Clash of the Eagles, I was hoping that it will be the main rulebook statement…
    Big Al, in this case changing formation cannot be count as a move for me. E.g. unit of French infantry in attack column would like to make one move forward (only one), then change to line formation and open fire. It’s quite normal/historical action. Am I wrong?

    Big Al

    But that is in the rules. A change of formation takes a full move (page 18 of v1 and page 24 of v2) so, you are proposing that a rule be changed to accommodate a suggested rule. I think making a rule where a unit cannot fire if making more than one move is a bit daft. I don’t think that it was made with the intention of including formation changes and hadn’t been thought out properly.

    It also stops Horse Artillery doing what it actually did, which was move position quickly and carry on firing. Horse artillery is already penalised for this ability by making them more fragile (1 stamina). Removing their ability just makes them non viable.


    You’re right. In Horse Artillery it doesn’t make sense

    Big Al

    If you apply it, you should apply it to everything. Being selective creates unbalance. If you only apply it to infantry that makes forward movement, you are being selective – you aren’t counting formation changes. I think that it is a badly thought out amendment that has been made as a reaction to some players’ criticism.
    Perhaps a better alternative would be an option to reduce movement to those in Hail Caesar and Pike & Shotte?


    Well, as I know the rules< horse artillerys limbering/unlimbering dont count as a move. Horse battery can limber, move up to 18″, then unlimber as one move.
    If theyll be unable to fire after making more than one move, itll only will make their wings shorter. They are horse artillery, but not assault bombers at last!


    Bt the way, who can explain me prussian sub-commander system?
    1) Prussian player cannot take division generals? Onle brigade comanders?
    2) In AT vol. 2 & in “Clash of Eagles” it is written that after blundering through giving orders through subcommander, brigade commander is still able to giv specific orders. Does in means that he can only give “follow me!” or “rally” orders? Or he can still issue orders by himself (not using blundered sub)?

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