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    Big Al

    Totally correct. You can fire no matter how many moves your unit makes in a turn. Some folk don’t like that and the Clash Of Eagles supplement suggests a rule to restrict shooting and moving (which I don’t agree with).
    You can always fire in the Shooting Phase.

    The restrictions on charging are that the unit must have clear line of sight to the target at the beginning of the move (not turn) that it charges, and that the charging unit begins its turn in the enemy unit’s quarter that it is going to charge. That means that if your unit starts its turn in the enemy’s front quarter and intends to charge, it must charge the front that turn. It cannot manoeuvre to the flank and charge the flank in the same turn.


    I’ve got another question about proximity. Can I change formation when my unit is within 12″ of enemy? I’m asking, because change formation is treat like a move in this game and proximity rule allows unit to make move only within front or rear.

    Peter Douglas

    I quite like the can only move once and shoot rule, it makes a player prioritize before rolling for orders.

    I got my copy of BP2 yesterday and have to say that there aren’t a lot of changes jumping out at me. Is there a list of changes available?

    Big Al

    It is a bit of a high penalty for making a formation change and then a single move. I think it was a knee jerk reaction to some people’s complaints that units can move a total of 36 inches and then shoot. The rule does not take into account any other consequences that may occur as a result of imbalance. Indeed, the BP2 new rule “Disorderly Withdrawal” is an unnecessary change that has become more necessary because of such a rule change.
    If anyone thinks that “Disorderly Withdrawal” was a necessary change, then they are not going to “prioritise before rolling for Orders”.

    Secondly, regarding your comment “it makes players prioritise before rolling for Orders”, no it doesn’t. It should make players think about how the announce their orders. For example, instead of just announcing that said unit will advance and then face the consequences of rolling low, they should specify where the unit will advance to. If that position is only 8 inches forward, it doesn’t matter how low the Command roll is, the unit will only move 8 inches. However, players don’t do that. They get carried away with the action.

    Big Al

    Marecki, as I said a little earlier, a unit is allowed to make a formation change when within proximity. The proximity rule does not affect the expansion or contraction of the ranks.


    About fighting Combat
    Asssume 1 blue unit charged 2 ennemy Red units in theirs flanks (All 3 units have a HtH value of 6)

    Resolution :
    The blue unit must divide his attacks (3 dice versus each of the red units).
    – 1 Attack of 3 dices vs 1 defense of 6 dices then another attack of 3 dices versus 6 dices ?

    Its Ok ?

    Big Al

    No, not quite right.

    Blue charges red and splits it’s attacks 3 on red1 and 3 on red2, as you have said, hitting on 3+ (charge bonus). Red1 & 2 get 3 Attacks each hitting on 5+. This is because when charged in the flank or rear, a unit is obliged to place at least half of its attacks to the front, even when there is no enemy to the front (It is rounded up in the event of the unit having an odd number of attacks). The unit’s remaining attacks are then placed against the enemy unit on the flank or rear.
    A unit fighting to the flank cannot be supported, either and cannot give closing fire.


    What happens when a unit in Line formation must retire through woods ?. (is it eliminated or may it deploy in skirmish ?)

    Charge The Guns

    Hi Bert, I would say that a unit that is forced to retire in to a wood would be forced in to ‘skirmish’ formation, and because of this additional formation
    change would become disordered.


    However a unit become always disordered after a “Retire” result.

    Big Al

    A unit hat retires due to a break test will break if it is forced into an enemy unit or impassable terrain. The unit is fighting and will not change formation. So, as the wood is impassable to a line unit, it will break.
    Now that is the rule as written, which you will find immediately after the break test table (not sure of the page number but it is under the heading of Retiring Units). If you think it too harsh, you could agree to do as Charge the Guns suggestsand allow them to enter in Open Order. However, I don’t think it too harsh. I consider it similar to a unit Retiring through a friendly unit, if it cannot clear the friendly unit, it retires a second time and if it cannot complete that move, the unit breaks.

    Charge The Guns

    I would say that ‘impassable terrain’ is a feature of the terrain, as per the section on Terrain, rather than a feature of what formation you are in.

    But, I can see the interpretation both ways. Breaking units does speed the game up, so I can see the sense in this, as the unit is in a bit of a mess. I’m just a big old softy, and so getting destroyed in this instance seems a bit harsh.


    Just got BP2 and puzzled by Morale dice modifiers Page 49.
    -are these added to the dice throw or to the morale level of the unit ?
    -also, the QRS Page 196 has many more modifiers under Morale.

    How do these work and which is the correct full list ?

    Charge The Guns

    Hi MGM, it is a typo/error. The Morale modifier table on p49 is wrong (it accidentally has the Command table modifiers in it). Best is to ignore the table on p49 and just refer to the QRS on p196, which is correct.

    Big Al

    It might be harsh on the one hand, but then I am a person who thinks that adding the new rule “Disorderly Withdrawal” was unnecessary and going soft on players who made mistakes and then refused to change their battle plan to rescue the beleaguered unit, blaming the rules instead.
    If you are going to put your unit in such a vulnerable position as directly in front of a wood without support, you’re asking for all you get!

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