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  • #189623

    What about a bazooka or a panzerfaust (hollow charges)? Can they shooting against infantry? How would it work?


    Flamethrower against open-topped vehicles. Does the open-topped also have the double penalty like with HE? +1 penetration and + 1 Damage chart.

    I cannot find in the rulebook if the flamethrower causes this double penalty in open-topped … page?


    Thanks 😊 Stuart. Perfectly clarified.


    Thanks Stuart. It’s very clear 👌 I missed the … ‘or less’ part.


    One new doubt …

    A flamethrower can benefit from short distance too? I mean, a flamethrower firing without moving at a distance of 2 inches, is that …  3+ with short distance and modifier point blank … a 2+ would it correct?

    • This reply was modified 11 months, 4 weeks ago by Steiner.

    Got it Stuart. Thousands of thanks. I will modified the example for my personal FAQ. 🙂

    If instead of an open-topped armored vehicles the Mortan hits a soft-skinned vehicle such as a jeep. What changes would we have?

    A jeep has a value of +6.

    Do we have a +1 penetration for soft-vehicle being hit by indirect fire? Does it have the damage penalty +1 for open-topped? And a jeep cannot get superficial damage, right?

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Steiner.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Steiner.

    Thanks you very much Stuart. You’re very patient with me. I am struggling with the rules, but I am starting grab some complex issues. I make the changes in my example above so I can later copy and paste in my FAQ personal document. Thanks a lot 🙂

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Steiner.

    <p style=”text-align: center;”>Let see if I get the example right now.</p>

    In the set-up. German player deploys a sniper team inside a building on the second floor.

    Then in the first turn, the British player deploys a Cromwell tank. The Cromwell tank advances and fires its main gun with HE (2″) and its machine gun to a second floor of a building where a German sniper hides.

    To see if it hits, measure distance = 23 inches. The medium AT gun is 60 inches, so it is short range. The Snipe team goes DOWN.  Ignoring penalties for cover, the penalty is for moving, small team and down, so a double 6 to hit. Roll and gets a lucky 6 and the another 6. HIT!

    Now the number of hits: the sniper team is DOWN so half rounding up. Roll a dice D6 (2″) to see the number of hits. Roll and gets a 5. Half rounding up is 3.

    Finally roll for damage, German sniper is a veteran team of two. This means +5 (no extra protection for HE in buildings) but penetration is +2. This reduces the +5 to +3. Roll the 3 dice and gets: 2, 4, 6. The whole sniper team is wiped out! It is now unnecessary to fire the machine gun, which is considered like fired and cannot try another target this turn.

    Is this example correct now?

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Steiner.

    Thanks for the answer. 🙂

    I see what you mean. On page 124-5 in the rulebook it says what you just pointed out, ignore only the cover penalty hits.

    Now, I have another question about the DOWN part.

    In normal situation when a player declares a fire order then the other players can choose DOWN BEFORE the roll for HIT.

    But in the HE against buildings, ” it can declare it is going down before you roll to determine how many hits are caused …”.

    So, it seems that you can call down in two different moments???

    1 Before rolling to HIT the building, in this case the down modifier applies.

    2. The player rolls to hit the building, if it hits it then the other player says DOWN. So, in other words, you only choose DOWN if the HE hits the building and if it misses you can spare the DOWN order. Right?

    In short, the defender player can say DOWN before rolling to HIT. In my example the Cromwell tank +3 (modifiers, -1 moved, -1 small unit , -2 down) = +7 This makes it very difficult to hit but the sniper cannot be activated later in the turn because it is down.

    Or, wait to see it the building is hit. … Cromwell +3 (modifiers, -1 moved  -1 small unit) = +5 This increases the probabilities of being hit but it give you the option of sparing the DOWN order until you see if the building is hit or not.

    a) If the Cromwell misses the shot, the snipe can be activated later.

    b) but if the Cromwell hits the building, now the sniper can decide to go DOWN to reduce the roll for number of hits or not going down and take the risk, so that if it survives, it can be activated later.


    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Steiner.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Steiner.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Steiner.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Steiner.

    Another change I would implement is in the rulebook. I would put a lot of practical examples to better understand the rule. Something like when I asked about how to use the flamethrower ..


    I would change the roll of dice that you need to get a 6 and the roll again and get another 6 to hit. The mathematical probability is (1/6)*(1/6) =1/36 that is to say … 2,78%

    This is almost impossible. I would make it a first roll of a 6 and then, the next one get a 4, 5 or 6.  This would be (1/6)*(1/2)= 1/12 that is to say 8,8%, a more reasonable chance. It is still very hard but a bit more likely.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Steiner.

    Thanks. It’s much simpler this way. 🙂


    I was also wondering about this point … um?

    So, can you please confirm that with a 6 in roll to damage does NOT automatically kill but we have to use the damage table?

    And what about the number of hit?

    For instance, a German infantry squad of 10 men fire at a US jeep. The get 6 hits. Now do we roll 6 times for damage using the table?

    I am confused …

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Steiner.


    And just last question in this thread … can you please tell me what US vehicles have that gyro stabilized gun?

    All Shermann I suppose and?



    So, imagine that you roll 4, +2 penetration, +1 top part of the vehicle= 7

    It matches the vehicle armor, this means superficial damage.

    Now we roll for damages, with a -3 for superficial and a +1 for second open-topped penalty. We roll a 6, so 6 -3 +1 = 4 The vehicle is still knock out despite being a superficial damage.

    Is this correct?

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Steiner.
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