Mortar hits a Bren Carrier

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  • #189091

    Hello Comrades,

    In today’s game, I had problems on how to proceed in this situation.

    Please, I understand this better with a practical example.

    A medium mortar hits a Bren Carrier transporting 5 infantery soldiers.

    What are the steps now to proceed?

    The open-topped makes it confusing for me. Do we have to see if there is penetration before going to the damage chart? What armor do we have in the top of a Bren Carrier? Let me try out with a practical example.


    Example 1:

    Medium Mortar team rolls a 6 and hits a Bren Carrier! The Bren Carrier armor is +7. But top part is has a bonus of + 1 in penetration for all armored vehicles. If we roll a 3 plus this bonification + 1 plus Mortar penetration value +2 is a total of 6. It is inferior to the Bren Carrier armor: no damage.


    Example 2:

    Medium Mortar team rolls a 6 and hits a Bren Carrier! The Bren Carrier armor is +7. But top part is has a bonus of + 1 in penetration for all armored vehicles. If we roll a 4 plus this bonification +1 plus Mortan penetration valu +2 is a total of 7. It matches the Bren Carrier armor: superficial damage. Then we go to the damage chart for vehicles, with a +1 in damage. We roll a 5. Superficial damage -3 to the roll of 5 = 2. But +1 for bonus in damage open-topped = 3, so On FIRE!!!


    Example 3:

    Medium Mortar team rolls a 6 and hits a Bren Carrier! The Bren Carrier armor is +7. But top part is has a bonus of + 1 in penetration for all armored vehicles and open-topped. If we roll a 5 plus this bonification +1, plus Mortan penetration valu +2 a total of 8. It superior to the Bren Carrier armor: penetration. Then we go to the damage chart for vehicles, with a +1 in damage. We roll a 3 but +1 for bonus in damage open-topped = 4, so Knocked out!!!




    • This topic was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Steiner.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Steiner.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Steiner.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Steiner.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Steiner.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Steiner.
    Stuart Harrison

    You proceed as normal.

    Roll to hit.

    If a hit is scored your roll to damage with an additional +1 pen for top armour (total pen +3, 2 for the 2″ HE, 1 for top armour). Open topped has no effect on this roll.

    If you equal or beat the 7+ damage value of the carrier, roll on the damage results chart – this is where you get the +1 for being open topped. The double penalty mentioned is having a +1 on two separate rolls (top armour on the ‘to damage’ and open-topped on the ‘damage results’), not a double penalty on any one roll.


    Got it Stuart. Thousands of thanks. I will modified the example for my personal FAQ. 🙂

    If instead of an open-topped armored vehicles the Mortan hits a soft-skinned vehicle such as a jeep. What changes would we have?

    A jeep has a value of +6.

    Do we have a +1 penetration for soft-vehicle being hit by indirect fire? Does it have the damage penalty +1 for open-topped? And a jeep cannot get superficial damage, right?

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Steiner.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Steiner.
    Stuart Harrison

    Pen modifiers (top, side, rear, long range) only apply when heavy weapons hit armoured vehicles – no effect vs soft skins.

    Open topped only affects armoured vehicles, so no change on the damage results chart from that.

    You are correct that superficial damage doesn’t apply for soft skins so if you match the damage value with your roll to damage there’s no -3 modifier for that.

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