

  • Kar98k replied to the topic Reinforced Platoon in the forum Bolt Action 2 weeks, 1 day ago

    I agree with Steve (see above). If you are interested in more historical realism, then just use the existing Theater Selectors. By why stop there! You can easily use actual historical military organizations as well. That is the nice thing about BA. You can use what they give you, or simply use actual historical settings and/or organizations…[Read more]

  • In game terms, a hidden unit represents that the enemy knows that something is there, but can’t actually see it, so I agree with all that was said above. Overall, hidden units in buildings can cause issues during game play because how the rules address this situation. The idea of just using the “hidden” modifier is a good workable solution, and…[Read more]

  • Kar98k replied to the topic Bolt Action 3rd Edition in the forum Bolt Action 5 months ago

    I second what SteveT said above, but a quick response “…but Panthers and panzerfausts in 1941 just doesn’t sit well with me.” might be in order here.

    Even if you only have the Bolt Action Second Edition rule book and nothing else (like the campaign books), the Panther tank is not a choice for a 1941 game. Yep, even when using the Generic R…[Read more]

  • Reduce the cost. At the moment there is a bizarre anomaly that you can get an MMG armed jeep for less than an MMG team which feels wrong.

    For 50 points, a player can get an MMG team (Regular).

    For 36 points, a player can get a Jeep (Regular) with MMG, and for 46 points, a player can get a Jeep (Regular) with HMG.

    Now considering that a Jeep+MMG…[Read more]

  • The one thing I really like about plastic figures over metal is the ease of kit-bashing and conversions.

    See the pictures below of some really simple German Grenadiers (Warlord plastics) conversions.
    I made these using parts from other sets (bits box), or modifying the parts from the original sprue.
    Yes, I still have mold lines to clean up, but…[Read more]

  • On April 17th, it was announced here:

  • Jermaine, I hear what you are saying. However, what if a player gets an exceptional damage roll with normal fire from a unit like an infantry squad? The player gets all excited about his very lucky roll, but only to have his lucky roll nullified by, “a loader to become a firer”. Of course, they are going to think, “what’s the point?” Also, as…[Read more]

  • The only thing I don’t like about MMGs and HMGs is their ability to get sniped off the table. Maybe have at least a Morale check to convert a loader to a shooter vs death

    This has more to do with how snipers are used in Bolt Action rather than about MMGs or HMGs. Fixing snipers in Bolt Action is a long and complex topic for another topic h…[Read more]

  • Kar98k replied to the topic Fixing MMG Teams in the Game in the forum Bolt Action 9 months ago

    >> tweak #1 – by soft targets you mean softskins, infantry & artillery?


    >>Vehicle MGs – is this a blanket all none pintel LMGs, MMGs & HMGs apply an extra -1 mod on all shooting?


  • @Nat – I have to agree.

    @Everyone – What Nat says.

  • In Bolt Action, the MMG team is somewhat underwhelming. Sure, they can be useful, but overall, they seem underrated and it seems they can be neutralized far too easily. The debate is what can be done to improve MMG teams. Adding a small benefit to MMG teams might help balance them in the game. It is not new that there is a broad consensus that the…[Read more]

  • The consensus is that the rules for open-topped vehicles with an armor of 7+ require a simple tweak when shot at by small arms. Of course, being gamers, we all have different ideas on what that should be. That being said, one popular solution is to tweak it for crew experience. Inexperienced open-topped vehicles take pins for being hit by small…[Read more]

  • Kar98k replied to the topic Modelling MG on trucks in the forum Bolt Action 12 months ago

    Depends on which country, and of course which model. For example, the American truck (2½ ton 6×6 Truck CCKW-353) from Rubicon Models can be assembled with or without the MG.

    Now, contrary to popular Bolt Action army lists, most trucks would not have an MGs, so it is not surprising that models do not include these bits as an option. That being…[Read more]

  • Besides Facebook, does anyone know if there is any other site to download all the Bolt Action Alliance stuff?


  • Just to agree with what ST said above. It is recommended to get the Armies of Italy and the Axis book. The Fortress Budapest is a campaign book. With campaign books, any scenarios and/or special rules are usually restricted to games played with that campaign book.

  • It seems like a pretty easy fix would be WYSIWYG and you can only hit what you can see. Only those that can see a target can shoot at so the reciprocal would make sense and doesn’t add any complexity to the game that I can see.

    To repeat what was said earlier, the answer is simple – game balance (it stops you poking one guy out with say a rif…[Read more]

  • Well I give it a shot. Got some Green Stuff, assembled three 8th Army minis, and went to work.

    Looks good.

  • Kar98k replied to the topic Game scale in the forum Bolt Action 1 year, 3 months ago

    What is Bolt Actions game scale. Not the figures, but distance. 1″ equals how many meters/yards/feet/etc.?


    Bolt Action has no precise ground or time scale. These aspects of the game are somewhat abstract and tailored for gameplay rather than adhering to any actual scale. That is to say, ranges are adjusted for playability while maintaining a l…[Read more]

  • In a lot of cases it doesn’t really matter, but for those few cases when it does matter, and the player forgets to announce AP or HE, then we either just back up and redo it or just go with the best choice since we play a friendly game. But our club rules is that officially we would backup to that point where the mistake was made and start over…[Read more]

  • Just last weekend one of my gaming buddies showed me this new scenario from Bolt Action Alliance. It is called “The Thin Red Line” and we had a great time playing it.

    We also tried it using the one of the different methods for activating units from the document linked above, but this can still be found on BGG. We used the method that assigns…[Read more]

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