Fixing Small Arms Against Open-Topped Vehicles with Armor of 7+

Home Forums Historical Bolt Action Fixing Small Arms Against Open-Topped Vehicles with Armor of 7+

  • This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 6 months ago by Nat.
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  • #189707

    The consensus is that the rules for open-topped vehicles with an armor of 7+ require a simple tweak when shot at by small arms. Of course, being gamers, we all have different ideas on what that should be. That being said, one popular solution is to tweak it for crew experience. Inexperienced open-topped vehicles take pins for being hit by small arms. Instead of an automatic pin, regular open-topped vehicles take pins on a roll of 3+, and veteran open-topped vehicles take pins on a roll of 5+. Another suggestion has been to make regulars a 4+ and veterans 6+, but that might beef up veterans too much.



    … hmm…. keep the automatic pins for any transported unit, but the vehicles themselves give them a roll to immediately rally (shrug off) the pin.  vets 3+, regular 4+, inexperienced 5+

    This keeps it roughly the same but you wont see all the transports suddenly become vets to protect the guys inside…..


    @Nat – I have to agree.

    @Everyone – What Nat says.


    I feel like @Nat ‘s ruling would work, but why not just make it the same as an injury roll (3+ for inexperienced, 4+ for regular, 5+ for veteran)? It keeps the percentages similar but feels like less of an edge-case rule. One less thing to remember.

    That and make transports give the pin to the guys inside of they’re inexperienced, 4+ to pin regular passengers, and no pin for veteran passengers.


    vets get pinned when hit by small arms out side of vehicles… pinning also means troops keeping their head down which your’d do even in a half track…. I see no reason why the experiance of troops should alter if they get pins

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