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Paul Sawyer

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Ancient British, Celts, Hail Caesar, Painting & Modelling, Stage-by-Stage Guides

Painting Using The Army Painter System – 1: Intro

By Dr Phil Hendry There has been a fair amount of interest shown in ‘The Dip’, as The Army Painter’s Quickshade system is more commonly known. Reactions to ‘The Dip’ vary wildly – some love it, some don’t seem to care, and some are vehement in their disapproval (despite not having sampled it, we imagine….). …


The David Rattray Memorial Trust

Warlord Games is a firm supporter of the David Rattray Memorial Trust – a well-deserving charity dedicated to the building and upkeep of Zulu schools local to the Rorke’s Drift area. The Trust has been of great help to Warlord Games in our research work on the splendid models in our range and we would…