Bolt Action Ground Scale

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  • #174937
    Eric T Holmes

    What is the official or unofficial ground scale for Bolt Action? I can’t seem to find anything, or I’m really overlooking something in the books. I’m getting ready to develop some scenarios for our local gang and need to check table sizes.

    I tend to think on a scale based upon figure size. If I need to, I’ll reduce the figure scale to come in line with the ground (table) scale.

    YMMV Roll sixes! Eric

    Stuart Harrison

    There isn’t one – trying to impose one will drive you nuts as ranges are way too short for the figure scale and don’t even scale properly with each other – SMGs can reach 1/4 way across the table yet rocket artillery can land within the length of the table… just one example of a compromise to shoe-horn all sorts of units into a 28mm minis game.


    With all tabletop games you will have 4 (at least) scales in use simultainusly

    Ground – how many inchs on the table is equal to real world feet and yards

    Combat – that 1 or 2″ combat area when in realworld its 1 foot from you

    movement – how fast you move on the table compared to how fast you move in reality

    shooting – weapon ranges.

    Then as stuart has said you then get sliding scales within those areas ie between weapons or unit types… ie a tank will move faster than a walking person


    If you use 28mm miniatures (official scale for Bolt Action / Warlord), then vehicles and scenic element (ground / table) scale is +/- 1/56.

    That said, the range of weapons is completely out of range (the useful range of a 36-inch sniper, scaled to reality is 51 meters?!?!?).
    On the scale of the distances traveled by infantry and vehicles I do not express myself because there are too many variables.

    So, the scale of miniatures and ground is +/- 1/56. The other scales (range, movements, etc.) are not homogeneous for reasons of playability (they preferred to give priority to playability rather than realism).


    Except of course some of the Warlord ‘official’ stuff is 1:72 😉

    Vehicle scale is flexible too, the motorbikes are not 1:56 for example they are closer to 1:48 and weapons are closer to 1:40 scale.

    28mm is not a hard scale, it’s an aesthetic.  The infantry are not in proportion with real humans so everything is distorted

    as for the ground scale being 1/56…  23ft range for a pistol.. ok, 23ft for a flamethrower… bit short but OK, 56ft for an SMG…maybe.

    112ft for an aimed rifle shot.. no.  336ft range for an 88? Nope…  The ground scale is distorted and a sliding scale.

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