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Tom Mecredy

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Background, Strontium Dog

Character Focus: The Gronk

Bless your poor heartsies, it’s time to delve into the world of the Gronk! Gronks are a famously shy and timid life form from the planet Blas in the Gallego system. Early in his career, Johnny Alpha befriended a Gronk (later named as Gloppus) on the Astro-Liner Sondheim. Gronks being prone to heart attacks, however,…

Bolt Action - German, Gaming & Collecting, Latest News, Painting & Modelling, Stage-by-Stage Guides

Frontline Report: Kalon’s Atlantic Wall Defenders

The Atlantic Wall was a marvel of modern military engineering, stretching from the Norwegian fjords to the beaches of Normandy and Gascony. Fortified bunkers and trench-lines overlooked beaches strewn with barbed wire, mines and anti-tank obstacles. Gargantuan coastal defence batteries and innumerable conventional artillery positions provided covering fire to the thousands of Wehrmacht soldiers defending…