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Search Results for: pike shotte

Community, English Civil Wars, Painting & Modelling, Pike & Shotte, Showcase

Showcase: Lord Thomas Hawksby’s Pike & Shotte Musketeers

Lord Thomas Hawksby’s regiment is a fictional English Civil War Parliamentarian Infantry Regiment of Pike, Shotte and an attached Company of Firelocks created by the very skilled ‘Mikeland’. Mikeland’s OldEnglandGrownNew blog tells of the daring tales, adventures and characters of his regiment in 28mm miniatures, words, photos and pictures. Here’s just a taste: Where are your old…

Pike & Shotte, Showcase

Pike & Shotte Infantry Focus: Shotte

Armies of the Pike & Shotte era were centred around blocks of Pikemen flanked by detachments of Musketeers. The Musketeers would pour fire onto the enemy from afar, to cut-down as many of the enemy as possible before retreating behind the wall of pike tips or flipping their weapons around and clubbing the enemy when…