Tudor English miniatures, who makes these?

Home Forums Historical Pike & Shotte Tudor English miniatures, who makes these?

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    I just browsed through the section in the P&S rulebook about Tudor Warfare in the English Isles…but I cant find any warlods minis for this? Time-wise it should be about Italien Wars era, and maybe Wars of Religion, and sure I can use Landsknechte, but the English armies?

    The rest of the P&S line is too late, with 30 Years War and English Civil War.


    Does any other company make those minis which are shown in the book?

    invisible officer

    You can use the Wars of Religion Infantry Regiment  for English infantry.   The Italian war horse is good for the cavalry.



    Yeah, the text description for the box does say that.

    But those soldiers look more Spanish  to me, essentially the helmets and pants.

    I’m missing the Tudor hats and coats, as shown on the minis in the P&S book

    invisible officer

    The morion helmet was typical all over Western Europe, from Malta to Scotland. And the pants had been international fashion too. Like later French styles the Spanish one was “de rigeur”.

    Regular troops needed a sash or similar field sign to distinguish them.


    The modern arms and armor in the English and Spanish stores looked the same. Only difference are the old bows of militia and the English bills.


    It’s easy to replace some helmets with the soft caps that are not “English only” .  Some Miliput or similar .

    Sadurian Mike

    You can buy English Tudor miniatures from The Assault Group. The English, Tudor figures are suitable for Henry VIII’s battles (1509-1547), Mary’s reign, and the earlier part of Elizabeth’s reign. The later English, Stuart figures are suited for the latter part of Elizabeth’s reign (1558-1603) with some crossover, of course. I assume that you are aware that the very early Tudor period is covered by the Wars of the Roses ranges, and you can mix a few of these figures into your Early Tudor regiments to show men wearing their grandfather’s full plate armour. They would be more seriously outdated by the later Elizabethan period, however.

    Bear in mind also that English armies at this time (Henry especially) used plenty of foreign mercenaries, so figures from other ranges can be used to create these units. A regiment of the ubiquitous Landsknechts, for example. would fit right in.

    Axel Schudak

    Steel Fist also has a set of Tudor style bodies that need heads and arms (probably from Perry and WG) to complete them. Not for the beginner, but the result look as Tudor as you can come, and you can regame the English invasion of France 1521  🙂
    Apart from that, TAGs set of French and Tudors work perfect for the campaign of 1544 – you can also pit the French against Imperials using Landsknechts and Spaniards from WG for nothern Italy (Ceresole).

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