Christian Rosenkjær Andersen replied to the topic Tudor English miniatures, who makes these? in the forum Pike & Shotte 3 years, 8 months ago
Yeah, the text description for the box does say that.
But those soldiers look more Spanish to me, essentially the helmets and pants.
I’m missing the Tudor hats and coats, as shown on the minis in the P&S book
Christian Rosenkjær Andersen started the topic Tudor English miniatures, who makes these? in the forum Pike & Shotte 3 years, 8 months ago
I just browsed through the section in the P&S rulebook about Tudor Warfare in the English Isles…but I cant find any warlods minis for this? Time-wise it should be about Italien Wars era, and maybe Wars of Religion, and sure I can use Landsknechte, but the English armies?
The rest of the P&S line is too late, with 30 Years War and…[Read more]
Christian Rosenkjær Andersen replied to the topic Landsknecht army, which miniatures do you use for cavalry? in the forum Pike & Shotte 3 years, 8 months ago
I contacted Warlords customer service for another issue, and asked about this as well. The nice people pointed me towards the Wars of Religon Gendarmes and Mounted Arquebusiers as close enough to several of the entries on the Italian Wars army list in the P&S rulebook. They did pass my wich for more cavalry for this conflcit on to the…[Read more]
Christian Rosenkjær Andersen started the topic Landsknecht army, which miniatures do you use for cavalry? in the forum Pike & Shotte 3 years, 8 months ago
I’m completely new to this, having only read the Pike & Shotte rules but never played yet. I’ve started painting an army of landsknechte, because I like the varied uniforms. Panting an entire army in the same colours does not motivate me in the same way.
As yet I have only the Foot, but looking at the liste from the Battle of Pavia in…[Read more]
Christian Rosenkjær Andersen became a registered member 3 years, 8 months ago