Axel Schudak replied to the topic Tudor English miniatures, who makes these? in the forum Pike & Shotte 3 years, 7 months ago
Steel Fist also has a set of Tudor style bodies that need heads and arms (probably from Perry and WG) to complete them. Not for the beginner, but the result look as Tudor as you can come, and you can regame the English invasion of France 1521 🙂
Apart from that, TAGs set of French and Tudors work perfect for the campaign of 1544 – you can also…[Read more] -
Axel Schudak replied to the topic Landsknecht army, which miniatures do you use for cavalry? in the forum Pike & Shotte 3 years, 7 months ago
The “Landsknechts” were by definition an infantry force only – nominally their artillery were not Landsknechts but a seperate part of the force.
Landsknechts were used in many forces – Pavia would be the Imperial army, then made up by the Spaniards (Colunella Infantry, Knights, artillery), Burgundians (Knights) and Germans (which mostly provided…[Read more]