Romanian New Units

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    Paul Nettle

    I put in a complaint to Warlord Games about the Romanian list in Armies of Italy and the Axis. The lazy writing and poor research means that panzerfausts and Panthers can be used in 1941, the two most populous tanks, the R1 and R2, are not even mentioned,and many units, such as flamethrowers, are not in the list.

    I volunteered to write some amendments, which Warlord Games welcomed, but Warlod Games said there was no certaincy that the amendments would be published.

    I have attached my proposed new units and amendments for your scrutiny. Please let me know of any errors or obvious ommissions of my own.

    richard zamudio

    I applaud your efforts! Many of the Armies of… books are poorly written and very much need to be brought up to 2nd. edition standards.

    Tim Haslam

    Yup, a lot of work gone into that, thanks.
    I wouldn’t mind fighting against those selectors.
    It would be great in a 41/42 eastern front themed event.

    Sadly getting WG to make it official may take some time, they are busy guys!

    Funnily enough I’m just getting an official Romanian list together for an event in Birmingham in November.


    Paul Nettle

    Thank you Richard and Tim for your comments. Tim, please fell free to use my amendments and addendums. I think the Romanian 1944 list is okay – and what the main list was written for.

    richard zamudio

    Sort of a followup! I really liked that you put a maximum number of assault engineer squads in your theater selectors. In my local gaming group you will see engineer platoons with as many as 3 assault engineer squads. That is a lot of very hard to kill flamethrowers! It seems that the flame thrower guys are always the last to die!
    Obviously, Warlord needs to revisit the flame thrower situation.


    @richard..whats the flame thrower situation?

    its a single shot at range 6″ thats not affected by cover….

    so if its the last guy in the unit its a single shot (covered in the FAQ!)
    normally a 3+ to hit
    -1 for loss of team
    -1 for moving
    +1 for close range

    so will only hit on a 4+ or a 5+ against small teams

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Nat.
    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Nat.
    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Nat.

    ps – sorry if the above comes across snarky I’m actually interested as only play BA against a small group … and I think only 2 people even have a flamethrower model…

    Stuart Harrison


    “its a single shot at range 6″ thats affected by cover”

    It’s not affected by cover.

    “Flamethrowers never suffer the to hit penalties for cover and if the target is Down.”


    <dolt> thought i’d removed that part…

    however if you read the rest of the post you notice I’ve not put the cover penalties in state it’ll hit on a 4+ or a 5+ against small teams*

    *exception if you’ve moved to within 6 of the flamethrower and it doesnt have to move…

    Stuart Harrison

    Suspected you just missed a “not”, just wanted to make sure it was corrected 😉

    richard zamudio

    Sometimes flamethrowers are just short of awesome. Let us pretend that you roll a six on the number of hits ( I really, really hope that we are doing that part correctly!). That means essentially 6 dead out of a squad of (?) ten or so men. The squad than fails its morale test (worst case situation!). Not a pleasant outcome. In our area, flamethrowers are deadly and very efficient killers of even large units.
    As you can imagine, gamers use flamethrowers for more than just attacking fixed positions. They are used to destroy units. So I stand by my original call for no more than one engineer assault squad per force. This is somewhat addressed in the Budapest campaign book.


    Off topic… flamethrowers… walkthrough

    take one shot to hit target.
    add 1+D3 Pins to the target
    multiply the hit out to D6 hits (+1 if firer is a vehicle)
    for each hit roll make a wound roll
    check moral as if 50% casulaties irrespective of casualties caused
    roll for firers fuel (even if you dont hit)

    but yeah I see your point they are dangerous ifthey can get within 6″.. either you need to PIN the unit their in or exceptional damage the flamethrower out of the unit.

    Personally I think a house rule the fuel is expending on a 4+ or apply a -1 to the fuel check for every 2 hits it does (you use more fuel hitting that many people :p) is in order if people are gaming them.

    Paul Nettle

    I agree that adding -1 to the dice roll is very effective each time it fires! I will ask my gaming club about adopting this rule.

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