Firing extra weapons on a transport

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    Mark Prichard

    Transports have enough crew to fire 1 weapon but if they have more than 1 weapon they must rely upon the unit being transported to fire the other weapons. Can a transported unit fire the weapon if they have already used their dice for something else?

    Tim Haslam

    I think not??

    Mark Prichard

    Well, I would think the same, but I can’t find in the rule book were it addresses that situation. If the rule book is silent it usually means you can do it, but I am not sure.

    Stuart Harrison

    Firing the transport’s weapons is done on the transport’s dice, the transported unit’s dice is irrelevant.

    Doesn’t matter if they’ve already acted, gone down etc and doesn’t use their order up if they haven’t already acted.

    Common tactic – transport advances and fires with all available weapons, transported unit gets the next available dice and advances to dismount and fire with their own weapons.

    Tim Haslam

    Yeah I’ve done that in the past Stuart.
    Just can’t remember if I’ve activated the infantry first,
    Mounted the vehicle, THEN activated the vehicle shooting all the weapons?

    Stuart Harrison

    Doesn’t matter – either way works and it’s something to do with a vehicle that can’t move after a unit embarks, it just requires the passengers to be aboard when the transport fires it’s weapons.


    I think they shouldn’t be allowed to use the extra weapons except in their own activation, and so with their order die. So when the transports activate they SHOULD only be able to use one gun…. as the FAQ explicitly states that its the Passengers doing the firing…

    On pg 17
    Can a medic or an artillery/mortar spotter fire the weapons of a vehicle they are being transported in?
    It’s the passengers doing the firing, and therefore medic units, because they ‘cannot fire any weapons’, cannot fire a transport’s weaponry.
    Spotters similarly cannot fire weapons and cannot spot while in the transport (extending to them the rules for HQs, which cannot use their special rules while transported).

    Stuart Harrison

    “I think they shouldn’t be allowed to use the extra weapons except in their own activation, and so with their order die. ”

    That interpretation doesn’t work under the rules for units aboard transports, p115. “If you want them to remain on the transport, order them Down (which has no effect) or Rally (which works normally). If you want the unit to dismount, order them to Advance or Run, as described later. Units aboard transports cannot be given Ambush or Fire orders, and are therefore unable to shoot.”

    None of the orders that involve firing are viable – Fire and Ambush are banned and Advance results in the unit being off the transport before weapons are fired. There is no provision to use the transported unit’s order dice to fire the transport’s weapons, that would be house rule territory.



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