Additional Units PDF

Home Forums Historical Bolt Action Additional Units PDF

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  • #161767

    The new FAQ mentions using the Additional Units PDF along the Armies of books.. however I can only see a file from 2015 on the website.. Is there a new one?

    Stuart Harrison

    Hasn’t been updated/added to in quite some time – that’s it.


    That’s a bit….. of an oversight…

    Also related, is there a list of which units are found in which publications?

    Doesnt need to have any stats just a list of what units are in which book

    Greg S

    The German units were incorporated into the second edition army book.


    Don’t look at Fortress: Budapest then Greg….

    cant remember which units are in there but there where a couple of SS ones…

    Edit – also what about the other 4 major powers & all the minor powers?

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Nat.
    Steven Green

    Would LOVE to see a master PDF that lists where all of the additional units can be found. Currently searching for Polish 10th Mechanized motorcycles & sidecars. Can order the minis, but have no idea how to field them!

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