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New: M8A3 Tesla Scout

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Advance ahead of your main force and blast your enemies apart with the Tesla cannon, mounted on top of the M8, forming the M8A3 Tesla Scout!

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When the scientists leading the Rift-tech Tesla weapons programme offered the US military a lighter and smaller version of the Tesla cannon that had been so successful on the Sherman chassis, the military leapt at the opportunity.

The addition of the Tesla cannon on the M8 gave recce units more firepower and an increased versatility against infantry whilst maintaining enough anti-tank capability to threaten their German counterparts such as the Spinne and Puma.

The lack of recoil in the Tesla Scout system meant very little work was needed on the chassis, although the weight of the batteries has shortened the lifespan of the vehicle’s suspension and gearbox; a worthwhile sacrifice from the crew’s perspective.

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