Unit with some Tough Fighters v. Gurkhas

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  • #188633
    Mark Prichard

    In the errata they address what happens when a Gurkha squad with Scary Blighters! (which halves the initial hits of the enemy unit) engages with a unit with tough fighters (which allows additional hits).  Namely that the initial hits of the tough fighter unit are halved and then any tough rolls are added.  What happens when a unit has a few tough fighter i.e. sub-machine guns or pistols and the rest are not tough.  Does the player with the  tough fighters get to choose which hits are halved or does the Gurkha player get to choose.

    Obviously, it you are the player with the tough fighters you would choose to halve the hits in a way that you use all your tough fighter models in the close combat.  Inversely, if you are the Gurkha player you would want to at half the tough fighters out of the close combat.  The fairest way seems to be to halve the tough fighters (maybe rounding up) and halve the the rest.  I don’t know if it says that anywhere though.

    Stuart Harrison

    The second question has your answer:

    “Tough as boots vs Gurkha?
    The unit calculates its attacks (counting ‘tough as boots’), then it halves its attacks.
    Tough as boots, some with SMGs, vs Gurkhas? The unit calculates its attacks (counting Tough as Boots), then it halves its
    attacks, then the player can re-roll as many hits as there are tough
    fighters (i.e. men armed with SMGs) in the unit.”

    Halve the attacks, then you can re-roll as many hits as you have tough fighters, no suggestion of any of your tough fighters not counting.

    Mark Prichard

    So all your tough fighters get an additional roll even though you don’t know if they actually hit on their initial hits?  Tough fighter get to an additional roll if they are successful on their initial hits, not if they are unsuccessful.

    Stuart Harrison

    As that FAQ is written, there appears to be no assumption of rolling your tough fighters separately at all – it’s just assumed that if you score hits, they’re most likely to have been the ones to do it (and that they’re the least likely to have been scared out of striking back).

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