Question- Coldstream Guards

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    Steve Connor

    This has probably been asked in the past,please forgive if it has. I am new to Black Powder and I am starting a Waterloo Collection for gaming purposes. My Question, is how do I modify or even have to, convert standard figures to represent the 2nd Battalion Coldstream Guards. I have a family connection to the Battalion, my father served with the Battalion. Sadly he has passed away and I thought it would be nice to represent the Battalion on my gaming table in his memory. Thank you in advance for any advice you may have.

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Steve Connor.
    Big Al

    There would be little or no conversion required. All of the regiments had the same basic uniform. The collar, cuffs and facings are what would be different. Blue collar and cuffs and the drummer would have the same colour coat, not reversed, as other regiments. That’s because it is a guards unit. The only other thing you need to find is the banner. Victrix do a set of flags, one of which has the Coldstream Guards colours. There are other manufacturers that will do them, too, like Battle Flags.

    Steve Connor

    Big Al, Many thanks that gives me a good starting point.

    Charge The Guns

    Hi Steve,

    A great idea for a modelling / wargaming project. As Big Al has said, I think the distinction between line and guard battalion figures would all come down to the painting, i.e. colours of cuffs, collars and ‘lace’ etc. I would recommend one of the Ospreys (114?) or Haythornthwaite’s Uniforms of Waterloo for details and background.

    Steve Connor

    Thanks Mate, I will check out both those References.

    Dr Dave

    Before you get too bogged down in your marvellous task remember one vital point. In the Foot Guards the Kings colour is the one with the plain deep-crimson field with various heraldic devices. This colour – The King’s – is always on the right of the colour party. The regimental colour has the Union flag background and goes on the left of the colour party.

    Good Luck!

    invisible officer

    At Waterloo the Coldstream Guards are said to have worn the protective cover over the shako. With black tape ties.

    Not to forget that officers coat’s red was lighter than that of OR.
    Foot guards Sergeants had Gold lace, not white. But corporals white!

    The only “conversion” for 2nd Foot Guards are the laces in pairs.

    Normally campaign wet weather trousers had been grey but the 2nd FG are shown in white at Waterloo in a Dighton print.

    Dr Dave

    Yes yes. Waterproof covers all round for the British infantry and Belgic shakos at Waterloo.

    Steve Connor

    Thanks guys for the information, I served in the military for 25 years but joined the Royal Australian Navy as my family emigrated and we only had the White Ensign to contend with. However, Guards traditions ran deep in our household my Father taught me to spit polish boots and shoes at the age of five. I was the only kid in my school with spit polished shoes. My leather shoes and boots are still that way old habits die hard.
    I think more research is needed as to the trouser colour but I think that would be something Coldstreamers would have done still food for thought. All useful information it all goes to make the Battalion more authentic on the table.
    Thanks for your advise Guys appreciated.

    Steve Connor

    Can anyone please advise me as to were I can source the covered Shakos Heads from or are they on the Warlord Sprues. I have not got my miniatures as yet still awaiting order fulfillment. Using my time wisely getting necessary Reference Books and any paints I do not already have. Once again appreciate any advise Thank you for your time.

    Dr Dave

    The Warlord British infantry for Waterloo are already wearing the Belgic shako with cover:


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Dr Dave.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Dr Dave.
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