Blood Red Skies Ready Room on Facebook

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    There is a BRS facebook group that may interest people here. The Ready Room is not official but we do have some input from Andy Chambers and others, including some nice fan based cards for new planes. Check it out here


    Hi guys,

    As you were kind enough to promote the Facebook group here, could you promote the forums on the Facebook group page as reciprocal gestures?

    Thanks a lot.


    Hi guys,

    As you were kind enough to promote the Facebook group here, could you promote the forums on the Facebook group page as reciprocal gestures?

    Thanks a lot.

    I already have – but will post up again -traffic here is still surprisingly slow


    Yep, I had a quick look at the FB’s group and it is indeed really active.
    I hope we could get the same here.

    Thanks a lot @Renko.


    Keep in mind that for some of us, for a range of reasons Facebook may as well not exist, and any information published there is essentially invisible


    The Ready Room isnt affiliated to Warlord but we do have some synergy. The traffic there can be variable so it is not really possible to duplicate posts here sadly.


    I (and I think everyone else) understand that it can’t be done and doesn’t have much sense to try it. But thanks for considerate it as an option.
    I just hope that the official BRS forum would have the same volume of WG’s posts as an unofficial group.
    It’s always sad to have one community split between several places.

    Mark Barker

    Public access to the Ready Room has been removed, it is now locked and you can no longer see entries ?

    Why has this been done ?

    Mark Barker


    Hi Mark

    There were a couple of members requested the group be made private to prevent their posts being seen by friends, family and co- workers. On the whole I thought it reasonable

    Mark Barker

    Can this non-member please request that you don’t ?

    Why promote the Group’s existence on this Forum and then slam the door (without telling anyone) ?

    You’ve got 500+ members and a couple have requested this step – so what did the others think about it ?

    The material posted in the Ready Room is way more expansive than the very limited support the game gets on this Forum (no responses by the designer to rules questions for a start and there were some really important debates and even possible calls for playtesters in mid flow when the shutters came down and I think the existence of the very active Facebook page has contributed to the comparative lack of official on-line support for the game.

    Limiting access like this to a very small genepool is as good as way as I can think to kill off interest in the game.

    Of course the obvious answer would be “join Facebook”, but I am a damn sight more concerned about access to my personal data than I am about other people seeing my game contributions.

    Please can you reconsider this decision.

    Mark Barker


    Sorry Mark I understand your frustration, however it was a decision made after some thought and I think the reasons are still valid and reasonable. Being a closed group doesn’t stop anyone finding the material, but it does mean you have to register with FB, which is not different in principle to registering with the forum here or BGG.

    I’m keen to keep the Ready Room as welcoming, lively and informative as I can, so anything that puts people off is not something I would do lightly.

    I can’t really address your comments about support and content from Warlord as I don’t have any real connection with them. I would suggest however that in general forums are becoming less attractive to game producers because they need their server and dedicated moderation, all of which you can get much cheaper on FB, albeit with other issues. FB is a poor substitute for a forum but that is the clear direction of travel – as evidenced by the amount of traffic here compared to (for instance) The Ready Room.

    I’m sorry if you feel excluded, but I don’t have a workable alt solution other than create a fake FB id


    James Boyd

    It’s sad that Warlord’s “Official” support page is on FB and NOT available to those that play the game as it would be here on THEIR OWN FORUM.


    As I said, sadly that’s the clear direction many games companies are going in, and I do understand the reasoning. The fact Warlord have brought the forum back at all is something of a surprise. As for the traffic, I have to admit I find FB more user friendly – which I think does a lot for it’s popularity. It is also vastly easier to moderate than a forum.


    Not on facebook, not going to be on facebook

    if thats the only “support” channel then as far as I’m concerned this game has just died, have a few models which may be usable with other sets of rule (not going to mention them), failing that will just write this off as a loss and forget about it

    pity, it did seem interesting, but if the support is “join FB or go away” I’ll go away, and take my disposable income with me

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