Tag: British

Black Powder, Napoleonic Wars 1789-1815, Painting & Modelling, Stage-by-Stage Guides

Painting: Napoleonic British step-by-step

Warlord’s Dave ‘Boycie’ Lawrence shows how he paints his Napoleonic British… Dave: I’m a big fan of the Napoleonic Era. My first ever wargaming army was a British Napoleonic Army using Minifig models. Twenty-odd years later, with the release of the Black Powder rules, the Albion Triumphant supplements and our expanding range of Napoleonic plastic…

Konflikt '47, Latest Products

New: Churchill Meteor

Launch an unyielding and powerful barrage with the new Churchill Meteor! View in Store In a bid to utilise more Rift-technology in enhanced combat power, a relatively minor line of development inadvertently spawned the Meteor Rocket and subsequently its tank-mounted launcher. The discovery of a metal degrading enzyme that could rapidly degrade armour plate led…

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - Battleground Europe, Bolt Action - British, Uniforms & History

Profile: Major General John Frost CB, DSO & Bar, MC, DL

Major General John Dutton (Johnny) Frost CB, DSO & Bar, MC, DL was a British Officer of the 1st Airborne Division. He fought in numerous theatres throughout the war, including North Africa, Sicily, the Italian mainland, raided France in 1942, and is perhaps best known for his stubborn defence of the Arnhem Bridge during Operation Market…

Black Powder, Napoleonic Wars 1789-1815, Uniforms & History

History: Napoleonic Artillery of the Peninsular War, by David Matthews

“In battle they [British gunners] display judicious activity, a perfect coup d’oeil, and stoical bravery. … English troops take few guns into the field with them …” – General Foy Thanks to the writings of Mercer and other Royal Horse artillery officers, an impression is given that the entire British army artillery consisted of horse…