HMS Abercrombie Shallow draft?

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    Jonathan Smith

    Hi All,
    Just wondering why at a 11 feet draft is the Monitor HMS Abercrombie classed as Shallow draft and immune to torpedoes?

    invisible officer

    A wild guess would be that the designer rated it as Torpedo resistant because of the anti Torpedo bulge it had.

    That protection was no longer effective against the modern WW II Torpedo with magnetic fuze.

    Seeing the ships in today’s news made me smile. But only until I saw that they are just ordinary 1/350 kits


    The fact that the “new releases” are some other manufacturer’s models, and destroyers at that, perhaps doesn’t bode well for more “little ship” releases from Warlord.


    Granted there’s a size difference but for something like the monitor a resin 1/300 model would cost a small fortune, as would tooling for a bespoke plastic kit
    Using already available 1/350 kits for bigger ships hopefully frees up Warlord to produce more smaller craft like minesweepers, R boats and similar

    John Stallard

    GEORGE!! what are you like?? why on earth would us adding some splendid plastic kits to our range mean we don’t have other ships planned…?Where is the logic in that??When the Royal Navy fairy gives us 3 million pounds to tool up destroyers and monitors in plastic I will be delighted!!

    We have LOADS of great ships and boats to bring out , we simply cant do them all at once can we? We have a lovely RN corvette, F lighters, Siebel ferries, Lince boats, Royal Marine 5.7 ” gun landing craft, etc etc LOTS more stuff, we just cant show it all at once as they need to be painted and made, simples…

    And Invisible, the differing scales are perfect, as the large boats are so much bigger than the others anyway on the table it looks perfect, honest! In facct , just as with wargames buildings, large pieces are , or always , should, be undersized as they dominate an area out of all proportion…check out everybody’s la Hay sainte and Hougemonts…Do them real scale and you dont fit any more of the battle on…Wargaming is about the game, precise models are nice, but one has to make compromises for all manner of reasons,,

    The monitor, good question… We made an assumption that it was a comparatively shallow beast, if we are wrong so be it, make it a target for torpedoes…But let you opponent know first!!

    cheers john s

    invisible officer

    Linse sounds great. And MFP too, saves me time. :-))

    I love that “make it a target for torpedoes…But let you opponent know first”. Liberty to think.

    Hmmm, in games with one model ~ 1 ship (or tank, soldier) I prefer same scale. Big ships are a problem compared to the arms ranges anyway.


    … Fairmile ‘B’; R-Boot? You know, the staple of coastal convoys?

    Bill McGill

    What about some BPC short MGBs & MTBs? These aren’t even listed in the rulebook stats.

    John Stallard

    George! What are you like mate?..R boats have been made for a year now… as have early Fairmiles,but we just cant show it all at once…a manufacturer has only finite capacities, both in casting , moulding designing and studio painting etc .

    I’m a really glad that you are keen to crack on with more cruel seas, but you must be a little more patient, we is doing our bestest, honest!!

    You will see some more boats in the next two newsletters, and an MTB pen for your boats to hide in…

    Happy new year to you and your flotilla
    best regards john s

    John Stallard

    George! What are you like mate?..R boats have been made for a year now… as have early Fairmiles,but we just cant show it all at once…a manufacturer has only finite capacities, both in casting , moulding designing and studio painting etc .

    I’m a really glad that you are keen to crack on with more cruel seas, but you must be a little more patient, we is doing our bestest, honest!!

    You will see some more boats in the next two newsletters, and an MTB pen for your boats to hide in…

    Happy new year to you and your flotilla
    best regards john s


    John, I’m flattered by the attention. Maybe I missed some earlier posts about R-boots etc.?

    Will your New Year’s Resolution be, in a word:


    Jonathan Smith

    I am surprised that you Assumed the Draft of a vessel without basic research, is that going to be a current theme, you assumed it was proof read??….. 🙂 just curious

    John Stallard

    Hi George and Jonathan, thanks for the post…
    George , nope you didn’t miss it, Its just that we are not ready to reveal the whole range, I’m just listing some boats that I have in front of me, its the studio and marketing boys who have the job of announcing the release schedule..Hopefully some more views this week..

    Jonathan , not quite sure what you mean mate.Do not be surprised by people doing their best to get things correct, sometimes you make assumptions and they are wrong.Simples.. cheers js



    Firstly thanks to John Stallard for appearing and answering a few questions. That certainly is a start. As for the new ships \ boats, again very welcome. Are there plans for ships outside those listed in the rules?

    The condition of the rule books is – well being honest I would not be happy putting my name on them, particularly the 200 personally signed ones, nor would I be happy paying for them – some bridge building with customers and some internal review of process is probably a very good idea. There are really two issues – design choices and plain screw ups. The first is really just opinions and we all have those, the errors and production issues are more of a concern.

    Which is a real shame because the game plays well and is fun, but the number of “wtf” and general head scratching moments seriously detracts from that fun element and is causing lots of reputational damage to Warlord as a brand.

    Will be interesting to see how the “Boot Camp” goes – will pitchforks be allowed in the building?



    I suspect Mr Cockup rather than any actual reasoning.

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