Fallschrimjaeger goggles ?

Home Forums Historical Bolt Action Fallschrimjaeger goggles ?

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    About to start assembling some early Fallschrimjaeger for a Crete game and have noticed quite a few pictures of German Fallschrimjaeger troops on Crete wearing goggles on their helmets. The pictures are definitely taken during the battle and have nothing to do with the occupation forces after and I was wondering if they wore goggles or could they belong to either glider or JU 52 transport pilots ? I take it the gilder pilots went straight into action with everybody else ?

    invisible officer

    Fallschirmjäger and other Wehrmacht soldiers used goggles as dust protection.

    Wehrmacht had “Windschutzbrillen” . There are some versions. For example the ones used by Krad drivers. There was also one by LW with Ultrasin glasses to protect the eyes from splinters.

    The one to be seen on fleamarkets is the M 42 Staubschutzbrille, a light folding item.

    Not to forget the Schneebrille with tinted glass to protect the eyes from winter sun.

    There was no special Sonnenbrille, the men used civil ones.

    There was also the Maskenbrille to be worn under gasmask by men with eye problems. It is also known as Dienstbrille.

    Hmm, and the horse Augenschutzbrille to be used with horse gasmask. 😉

    FJ normally had no goggles for jumping. But in dusty regions everybody tried to get one. Most FJ shown with one in Crete are bikers.


    Thanks that’s very helpful. I wonder if the Germans brought motor bikes with them on the gliders or JU 52s that landed at Maleme ?

    invisible officer

    Yes, they are listed as goods in the Maleme Ju 52 and there are pics too.
    Two single or one sidecar Krad. In addition to some crates with other goods.
    Loding and unloading was a bit difficult. The 90° turn at the door……


    That makes sense. They used the kettenkrad to move the 3.7cm flak guns about.

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