Do the Free French SAS Jeep get Armor

Home Forums Historical Bolt Action Do the Free French SAS Jeep get Armor

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  • #187537
    HellRaiser 7

    In the newest Erratta/FAQ, the way it reads to me that any Army  with SAS Units can have SAS Armored Jeeps. So I’m assuming that French SAS Jeep can be Armored for +10 points

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by HellRaiser 7.
    Stuart Harrison

    The only mention I could find was in the new unit entry, Selectors row:

    “- The SAS Armoured Jeep is an Armoured Car for the purposes of the generic Reinforced Platoon selector from the Bolt Action
    rulebook and for all selectors featuring SAS infantry units”  If the selector you’re using has SAS infantry units, it’s covered by the text of the unit entry (whether intentional or not).

    You would use that entry from the errata, not a 10 point upgrade to another entry – cost difference to the AoGB SAS Jeep is 8 points at inexperienced, 10 at regular, and 12 at veteran (though you’d have to ask why there is even an option of inexperienced or regular for an SAS Jeep…?).

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