Bolt Action Player Finder (North America)

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  • #188688
    Paul Saunders

    Hello, welcome,  I’m in Kingston Ontario but there are a fair few players in Ottawa,  I’m a local TO that runs beginner friendly events in Kingston and I run the Canadian Tabletop Championship Bolt Action tournament in Ottawa.

    Oberst Mayhem

    Paul – Greenfield OH

    Evan Alderson

    Evan, Vancouver Island, British Columbia

    L.T. Russell

    Howdy folks!  I game with a group at White Knight Games & Hobbies, in Helena, Montana.  The Warlord Games gaming group meets every Wednesday evening around 6pm.  Games can also be set up for almost any time the store is open, we usually play longer-running games on the weekend….


    Soldotna, Alaska.

    We meet at the public library because our town is lame and has no game shops……

    Any Bolt Action or Victory at Sea players in the area?

Viewing 5 posts - 76 through 80 (of 80 total)
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