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  • #151795
    Mike Collington

    Still waiting for my rulebook, can anyone tell me which British and German Aircraft have stats?

    Zloy Krolik

    Stuka & Beaufighter

    Mike Collington

    Cheers bud


    The profiles of planes are quite generic. Its size (always tiny), movement (140cm) speed and weapons (Torpedo or Bomb). So in theory you can use any plane you want, at least if it can carry a bomb or a torpedo…

    Big Al

    I haven’t noticed any specific stats for aircraft in the rules (I got mine for Christmas, so a little behind on all this). I have the Beaufighter in the RN fleet box, but intend to use a couple of Whirlwinds that I have in my collection.
    One of my favourite aircraft, it was ditched by the government because of some early engine issues, but it proved to be an excellent fighter that would give any single engined fighter a run for its money – arguably better, certainly at lower altitudes. However, it was relegated to coastal command, equipping a couple of squadrons. It could carry bombs and, like the Mosquito, it had four 20mm cannon in the nose. It was the most hard hitting fighter until the Beaufighter came along, so it is perfect for use in this game!

    Wayne Walton

    You’ll need to home-rule the cannons on a Whirlwind, as currently the rules only allow bombs and torpedoes.
    Incidently, I’ve just finished reading a book about the Sharnhorst’s Channel Dash from Brest. The RN MTB flotillas came under a fair bit of straffing from the well organised constant air cover by the luftwaffe during their attacks. The book mentions the attacks, but there is no mention at all of any specific damage inflicted by air attack on the MTB’s. It does however mention that they had to dodge the air attacks, which hindered their torpedo attack runs.
    This would seem to validate the dodge rules in the rules.
    It is also worth noting that a near miss from a bomb would often rupture the hull plates on a ship, causing major leaks, even on warships. Ruptured hulls on merchant vessels would slow them down and sometimes cause them to sink. For example, the tanker that made it to Malta (can’t remember the convoy name/number) was only just afloat as she came into port. She had suffered hull damage from bomb near misses, and actually settled/sank after birthing.
    I’d love to see cannon rules. Id then dust off the cannon armed anti-shipping B-25’s that were used in the Pacific:)

    Big Al

    Could be something that Warlord look at. I know that they don’t want too much emphasis on aerial attacks, but it was all part of it.

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