Reply To: Foreign Legion

Home Forums Historical Bolt Action Foreign Legion Reply To: Foreign Legion


Are you using a generic platoon or a specific TL from a campaign book?  if so which one?

Are you just using FFL squads or are you putting FFL crew on weapon /artillery teams?

But going off the Free French TL from the western deset
1 x vet 1st LT + bodyguard
1 x 6 man legion squad (3 SMGs & VB launcher)
2 x 6 man legion squd + pistol legionnaire (1 VB launcher, 1 LMG)
1 x vet MMG team
1 x Vet M. Mortar with spotter
1 x light howitzers with AT shell upgrade (FREE!)
1 x Med. AT gun
1 x marksman

thats 9 orders for about 750 – 760 pts giving you about 250 to add some more bodies, HQ teams, transport/ tows etc.

you’ve got a nice mix of fire base infantry, an assault unit, AT and templates…. and its all vets for keeps with the FFL theme