Kodiak started the topic US ARMY Paratroopers 1919A6 LMG in the forum Bolt Action 1 year ago
When an American paratrooper squad is carrying the A6 as an LMG does it pay the move and shoot penalty?
Kodiak replied to the topic Rules Question: Hitting squad behind hard cover. in the forum Bolt Action 1 year ago
“To repeat what was said earlier, the answer is simple – game balance (it stops you poking one guy out with say a rifle to put a pin on a unit while keeping the rest untouchable.) and to help (as the rulebook says it the same paragraph) give the impression that everything /model is fluid and in motion…”
Thats pretty silly (simple all rig…[Read more]
Kodiak replied to the topic Rules Question: Hitting squad behind hard cover. in the forum Bolt Action 1 year, 1 month ago
It seems like a pretty easy fix would be WYSIWYG and you can only hit what you can see. Only those that can see a target can shoot at so the reciprocal would make sense and doesn’t add any complexity to the game that I can see. IMHO it actually makes the rules make more sense. Hopefully they can address this in the 3rd Edition.
Kodiak replied to the topic Rules Question: Hitting squad behind hard cover. in the forum Bolt Action 1 year, 1 month ago
And that which could physically be done would be worse somehow than the fantasy 40K rule of being able to shoot through impenetrable objects??
Kodiak replied to the topic Rules Question: Hitting squad behind hard cover. in the forum Bolt Action 1 year, 1 month ago
I understand when they are in the terrain they can be seen and hit, that makes sense to me. What I am talking about is when they are behind, completely out of hard cover but sheltering behind it, and all of the squad is impossible to see or hit except for 1 lone figure peaking out from behind a stone building for example how can the other 9…[Read more]
Kodiak replied to the topic Rules Question: Hitting squad behind hard cover. in the forum Bolt Action 1 year, 1 month ago
I think you may be missing the point. The question really is how can you hit and or kill anyone behind something you cant shoot through?? I dont care how many shots the Stuart has. Say it is 10 shots from a rifle squad. 1 man is exposed, 9 men are behind cover (stone building in this example, in what universe can a .30 caliber rifle bullet kil…[Read more]
Kodiak started the topic Rules Question: Hitting squad behind hard cover. in the forum Bolt Action 1 year, 1 month ago
Your M5 Stuart with 18 shots sees one man from a 10 man squad poking out from behind a stone building (or twin light MG on a British jeep etc, etc, etc). No one else is visible. He shoots from 6″ away and gets 18 hits (10hits, 3hits, 2hits) rolls and gets 10 kills (3 kills, 2 kills) and so wipes out an entire squad he cant see or possibly hit…[Read more]
Kodiak became a registered member 1 year, 11 months ago