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What’s in the works for Konflikt ’47

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Clockwork Goblin has been leaking some classified intel onto the Facebook pages (of all places), so we’ve gathered the information into this article so everyone can catch up on what coming up for Konflikt.


Japanese Forces

B&W Jap Troop

We’ve already hinted and shown these guys at Salute, however here are some good closeups! The Japanese bring in their ingenuity into their mechs!

Always upholding honour, the new Japanese mech troops highly resemble their samurai ancestors.

Jap troops Battlefield

Superior German engineering coming through

German Walker Heuschrecke (means Locust)

Taking a page out of the Americans book, the Germans have created a literal Walker weapon platform, toting an immense array of weaponry.

German Walker Heuschrecke (means Locust) 1

Some Allies reinforcements

Getting ready for amphibious operations, mech warfare is going to scale into every aspect of the war.

Konflikt ’47 Bootcamp

If you fancy seeing these models in person then make sure to come down to our Konflikt Boot Camp! Check out the article here!

Interested in starting Konflikt ’47?

The British Starter Set


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The German Starter Set


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The Soviet Starter Set


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The US Starter Set


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