Ancient Armies

Ancient Armies

Ancient Armies is the Warlord Games range that contains the military might of Rome and her enemies.
We have plans to add more Ancient Armies – from Biblical times right up to the Dark Ages…

Imperial Romans
Imperial Romans
The Imperial Roman war machine was the greatest empire of the ancient world‚ there was no kingdom or state that could withstand the unforgiving Legions of the Roman Empire…
The Celts
The Celts
Dominating Europe for a thousand years, defying Rome’s all-conquering armies, a Celtic army was a mass of brightly patterned clothing and tattoos charging headlong at the enemy…
Ancient Britons
Ancient Britons
On the misty British isles, warriors such as Boadicea would become legend, leading speeding chariots and ferocious lime-haired warriors, wreaking havoc with the Legions…
The Dacians
The Dacians
The proud Dacians refused to be cowed by their enemies and time and again bloodied Rome’s nose with razor- sharp falx warscythes and steely determination.
The Germanic Tribes
Germanic Tribesmen
Tough, brutal and ferocious, the fur-clad Germanic Tribesman was an opponent to be reckoned with‚ something the Legions of Rome could attest to…
Ancient Armies Terrain
Lovingly collected and painted armies deserve a great-looking battlefield to fight over. Help is at hand with our range of forts, huts, etc…

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