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New: Plastic Bolt Action Soviet Infantry!

Stalin’s Red Army is revitalised by the release of our latest Bolt Action plastic boxed set – Soviet Infantry! With a massive 40 miniatures in each boxed and a bewildering variety of poses, weapons and equipment, you’ll have everything you need to defeat Hitler’s forces. Death to the German invaders!

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As you can see below you get an absolute stack of troops in the boxed set. Painter Alan Mander built three 11-man squads, a sniper team, anti-tank rifle team and an officer with two subordinate Red Army comrades. Of course, this is just one way you can build the contents of the box – there is an staggering number of options to choose from.

Many of you have been very keen to catch a glimpse our Soviet sprues – here they are in all their glory! Note that the box comes with a load more plastic 25mm round bases – not just those two shown on the main sprue…

So, 40 highly detailed, multi-pose Soviet Infantry for a superb price, anyone?

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