Tag: Block Gangs

Judge Dredd, Products

Judge Dredd: Justice Cometh to MC-1

The release of the Judge Dredd Miniatures game also heralds the arrival of various judges, crazies and villains set on chaos and destruction… Judge Dredd For millions of Mega-City One’s citizens, there can be no greater symbol of the law than Judge Joe Dredd, not even the Statue of Judgement itself. The mere mention of…

Judge Dredd, Profiles

Judge Dredd: Gangs and Judges

We’re taking a look at the judges and gangs of Mega-City One; soon to enter into perpetual urban warfare in the Judge Dredd Miniatures Game. Mega-City One is a sprawling megalopolis, its inhabitants beset by unemployment, boredom and crime, all whilst under the authoritarian watch of the Justice Department. Mega-City One is home to the wild,…