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Midsomer Madness!

A couple of weeks ago Paul (the boss) and John (the bigger boss) must have been feeling a bit under the weather as I managed to get out of the office and spend the day down in Oxfordshire on the set of the TV show, Midsomer Murders. Either that or they figured that I’m expendable…

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New: Celt Linebreakers!

Hurling themselves into the shield line of their opponents these crazed/brave warriors are attempted to disrupt the enemy battle line. Adding bags of character and action to your Celtic warrior units or acting as dismounted chariot riders these are a must for any serious Celtic general. At the fore of an attack would come the…

Ancient Armies – Celts

The Celts were a proud warrior people who dominated much of Europe for a thousand years and dared to defy the might of Rome and her all-conquering armies. A Celtic army is one of history ºs great spectacles ‚Äì a mass of brightly patterned clothing and tattoos charging headlong at the enemy supported by speeding…

Ancient Armies – Ancient Britons

The British tribes had a truly unmistakable character ‚Äì painted with blue woad warpaint, sporting spiky, lime-washed hair and magnificent moustaches they cut an impressive figure on the field of battle. Supported by squadrons of expertly handled chariots and deadly slingers, the British Tribesmen and women were a force to be reckoned with as the…

Ancient Armies

Ancient Armies is the Warlord Games range that contains the military might of Rome and her enemies. We have plans to add more Ancient Armies – from Biblical times right up to the Dark Ages… The Imperial Roman war machine was the greatest empire of the ancient world‚ there was no kingdom or state that…

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Now Available: Ancients Osprey Books!

After a small hiatus we’re happy to announce that we have loads of Osprey books back in the online store. There are plenty more to come, but for this week we’re kicking things off with a pile of Ancients reference materials. Check out a small sampling of what is available again here. A few books…

Ancient British, Celts, Hail Caesar, Painting & Modelling, Stage-by-Stage Guides, Uncategorized

Painting Using The Army Painter System – 4: ‘Dipping’

By Dr Phil Hendry Part 1: Introduction Part 2: Preparation Part 3: Painting Now it’s the part you’ve all been waiting for –  time to apply the Army Painter Quick Shade, Strong Tone! Although commonly referred to as ‘The Dip’ I don’t actually dip my models into the can. I prefer to apply with a…

Ancient British, Celts, Hail Caesar, Painting & Modelling, Stage-by-Stage Guides, Uncategorized

Painting Using The Army Painter System – 3: Painting

By Dr Phil Hendry Part 1: Introduction Part 2: Preparation Once all the preparation was done it was time to get on with the painting proper.  First of all, I dry-brushed the chainmail with Citadel Mithril Silver, then touched up the white primer where my dry-brushing had strayed – as it inevitably does. Then it…