The Via Regia – Lutzen 1632 blog – Salute 2019

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  • #159673
    Charge The Guns

    Thanks, IO!

    I will keep my signage as it is.

    Charge The Guns

    I have written up a battle report of the game at Salute. You can see it on my blog here:

    It was a very close run battle all day. It ended in a stalemate by the close of play, and so we gave a minor victory to the Imperial force which had held the line better than historically. Gustav Adolph II also managed to survive so the scene was set for a further battle.

    The Pike and Shotte rules worked well. We were all familiar with the rules, even if we had not used these armies before. The Imperial Cuirassiers were very tough, the Swedish infantry pushed out a lot of fire power, and the cramped battle field meant that sudden breakthroughs were nearly impossible. It was a real meat-grinder of a battle.

    A few shots of the game here – more on the blog.

    Rough Rider

    Thank you for posting that. It’s great to see more pictures of the game and learn how it played out.


    Fantastic, Fantastic and more Fantastic!!!!

    Any ideas/plans for future battles, maybe First Breitenfeld?

    Charge The Guns

    Thanks Rough Rider and Corso!

    Future plans? Well, as it was three people’s collections used for the game, I want to get some additional units to round out my own forces. So, Cuirassier and Croats, and some Swedish cavalry. I also want to do the Yellow Brigade and some more Imperial foot. Maybe dragoons for both sides. I need more artillery crew too.

    That should keep me busy in the short term. Longer term my thought is to move further east. I would like to explore Gustavus’ battles against the Poles. As a result of this I may have to get some Winged Hussars. It will be a struggle, but I will try to cope! Very long term, discussion at the club has started to turn to Cossacks and Turks. Madness, surely 😉

    Rough Rider

    Lulzzz… there is no stopping it…

    Charge The Guns

    Haha … yes, I have certainly been bitten by the TYW bug. I had started to buy a few bits for 28mm WWII North Africa, thinking that after Salute I would need a complete change. Not so. It has just made it ‘worse’ 😉

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