Minensucher 1940 – The channel destroyer

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    invisible officer

    In 1939 the Kriegsmarine had big problems. Hitler had promised them to start no naval war in the next five years. So all fleet building plans had been for the building of high quality vessels, not cheap mass production. Building of the ordered 1935 ones would end in 1942

    So the superb Minensucher 1935 was expensive and fed with oil. A cheap mass production type was now needed and so the coal burning Minensucher 1940 was designed.

    It was another good design but at first lacked firepower. The original design had just one 10,5 cm gun aft without shield, a 3,7 cm before the bridge and two 2 cm. In that configuration they reached the front from 1941 on. German and Dutch makers built them in large numbers.

    The shifting of most of Luftwaffe away from channel left the Kriegsmarine there without protection against planes. And the rising number of MTB made more firepower a must.
    So the new boats got a second (still unshielded) 10,5 cm and some extra 2 cm.

    But even that was not enough for many. So the front designed the “Kampfboot”. My model shows one of these “channel destroyers”. A nickname that shows the RN respect for that type. It is difficult to say how many got built or converted like that. It is sure that there are variations.

    Two shielded 10,5 cm, three- four 3,7 cm and six – eight 2 cm made the formidable escorts. The minesweeping equipment was reduced but they could still do minesweeping.

    There is a post war confusion between Kampfboot and Torpedoschießboot. Some Type 1940 boats got two torpedo tubes before the bridge. So some authors thought these to be the Kampfboot. But in fact they had been training boats for U-Boot officer torpedo training. They had before the bridge a dummy U-boot tower.

    invisible officer

    Warlord did that very nice Minensuchboot 1935 and sells it as generic M type. That makes me think that they will do no other Minensucher type.

    Side by side the 1935 and 1940 look similar like all German Minensucher designs of WW I and II. But not similar enough to convert the Warlord model into a 1940. Hull and superstructure was different.

    The prominent difference is the single mast of the later boats. And in the Kampfboot version the heavy AA firepower.

    invisible officer

    The model is 99% scratch built. I only used a warlord 2 cm quad from my spare part box.

    Hull and superstructures are balsa wood and cardboard. The mast is made mainly from brass wire.

    It was a two evenings project. Hope you like it and that it makes you try some scratch building yourself.

    invisible officer

    No idea why the Forum did that fuss with the pics in last post. And no way to delete the doubles.

    At first I had planned to use the Warlord Minensucher as base for conversions. But the work would be harder than total scratch.

    Hope they will bring us some true 1/300 in the next months, not just the other company plastic 350 stuff


    Warlord did that very nice Minensuchboot 1935 and sells it as generic M type. That makes me think that they will do no other Minensucher type.

    We had three types of Minensuchboote; Typ 1935, 1940 and 1943. The size was similar with the Minensuchboot 1935 beiing the largest (about 870t) and the Minensuchboot 1940 beiing the smallest (775t). As for Armament they are similar, while the Minensuchboot 1940 has more 3.7cm and 2cm guns on paper, im pretty sure the Minensuchboot 1935 received more AA guns during the war (like almost all ships). The speed is pretty much within the range of 1 kt.
    With the boats beiing so similar, i don’t think there is a need for the others (even more so when those are “converted” into the game’s rules). And we have so much more we “need” anyway, like the Räumboot (r-boat) Richard or John (not sure who it was) hinted toward in another post. And even with those im pretty sure we will only see one type of Räumboot (with about 10 types beeing build).

    invisible officer

    Well, similar is relative.

    Length around 6 meter different and very different superstructures / mast is not really “so similar” 😉

    They all are Minensucher. And for many gamers one will fit all. But not for the more historical interested.

    I doubt that all are happy to have just the one late Fairmile Version…..


    Very nice as normal 😀


    Can you post a closeup of your scratchbuild guns, especially the 3.7cm and 2cm?

    Bill McGill

    I don’t know about anyone else, but I find it hard to make out the details because of the camouflage. Just goes to show how effective that could be.

    invisible officer

    That’s true. And I must admit, a reason for using it. It hides the xxxx at some parts.
    It’s done as a wargaming mdel, not for collection. So I put a blind eye on some xxxxxxxxx. Not every corner is 90°, some 89…..

    I tried to do some pics of the guns. But have only a normal camera.
    Here 2 cm with case catching net, 3,7 cm and 10.5 cm without shield.

    They are done without much detail. Just to give the Impression: Gun of x size. Wargaming style


    If the guns look good from one or two feet away it will be enough. At least that’s what I am going for. And I’m pretty sure yours do, sure they look crude when looking at the picture…but it’s like 10 times larger than it really is. (I really like the way you build the 3,7cm)


    That’s all the guns i build so far. A twin Bofors for a Captain Class Frigate (Buckley Class conversion) and a set of 37mm twin guns for my scratch build Sperrbrecher. Of course the barrels are to thick, but at arms length you really cant tell. The rest of the dimensions are close to the respective scale.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by elcee.
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