Reply To: V3 NEW platoon composition! Edit: and discussion apparently

Home Forums Historical Bolt Action V3 NEW platoon composition! Edit: and discussion apparently Reply To: V3 NEW platoon composition! Edit: and discussion apparently


one other restriction – you can only have as many multiples of any Platoon type as you have Rifle Platoons. For example, if you want to field two Armoured Platoons, you’ll need two Rifle Platoons, and so on. Other than that – the choice is yours! [/quote]

now without the writen rules – this is just Marcus’ chat about it… it reads that if you have 2 rifle pltns then you unlock the other 5 pltns twice

So at the moment it looks like you can take 1 rifle, 1 armd & 1 rece as a legal force.  If it was 2 rifle for 1 armd & 1 rece then I feel the example would have been if I wanted to field 1 armed * 1 rece not 2 armd pltns.

However I stress this is a teaser not a rules article.