Reply To: Bolt action British Airborne army list

Home Forums Historical Bolt Action Bolt action British Airborne army list Reply To: Bolt action British Airborne army list


Next, I’d never take 2 bodyguards on a HQ unit.  This is because you go above a 2 man unit and no longer gain the -1 to hit modifier which is one of the biggest defenses of a unit.

secondly I’d take a bodyguard with the FAO, because the extra wound is always useful.  Out of preferance I’d give him a rifle because you want him hanging back as his artillery strike is a FIRE order (no movement) so you want him at range not up close and personal.  Also consider upgrading him to a Veteran so he fits in with the theme!  But I understand why you dont (points).

If you do move a bodyguard from the officer to the (regular) FAO you end up with 3 points to spare,