Reply To: Rules Question: Hitting squad behind hard cover.

Home Forums Historical Bolt Action Rules Question: Hitting squad behind hard cover. Reply To: Rules Question: Hitting squad behind hard cover.


Not missing the point, I understand what you are asking. It’s explained in the section Dense Terrain. Here’s the relative paragraph(s):

“Unless the players agree otherwise, units are not allowed to draw line of sight over dense terrain, the dense terrain is always assumed to be higher than any models on the table blocking line of sight to all ground units.

This means, for example, that if a firing unit is trying to draw line of sight to an enemy unit and all of the models in the enemy unit are behind a piece of dense terrain (and not in it) – so that the line of sight from all firing models to all target models is drawn through the dense terrain, then the target is considered impossible to see. If any of the enemy models are inside the dense terrain, then the target is visible, but counts as in cover, either soft or hard depending on the type of terrain (see the rules for cover)”

I read that to mean that any models not behind the line-of-sight blocking dense terrain, exposes the entire unit, even a single figure. That’s what the rulebook states. If you want to make a house rule that says only figures that are in line-of-sight to the enemy are subject to being hit, that’s your call and you are free to do so.