Reply To: Rules Question: Hitting squad behind hard cover.
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I believe this sentence from the rulebook under Dense Terrain addresses this: “If any of the enemy models are inside the dense terrain, then the target
is visible, but counts as in cover, either soft or hard depending on the type of terrain” The unit being shot at gets the -2 for hard cover and could get an additional -2 if they can go down. That could affect the number of hits significantly. Base to hit 3+, +1 point blank, -2 for down, -2 for hard cover = 6’s to hit. If they can’t go down, you would need 4+ to hit. The odds of rolling 18 sixes are astronomical and even with 4+ to hit, getting 18 hits would be amazing! If you did roll that, you should play the lottery instead of Bolt Action! LOL.