Paolo Gentili


  • Paolo Gentili started the topic How to assign flags in the forum Black Powder 1 week ago

    Another problem for a beginner (playing Gettysburg Starting Set) is how to assign flags. If, for the Union, it is easy to find the solution (two flags, one with Star and Stripes and another with the brigade specific one, but correct me if I’m wrong) the same is much more difficult for the Confederate (they have a lot of flags). So, can someone…[Read more]

  • Thanks! Of course it helps! So, if I understood, when the scenario says ‘4 x infantry’ it means for regiments of infantry, or 20 stands for a regular regiment… Thanks again

  • Hi! I’m a totally beginner with BP games and new to this forum so forgive me if I say some nonsense. I decided to start with the Gettysburg Starter Set. I read the Rules and I found that it referred to 28mm miniatures. So, first question is a classic one, I suppose: where can I find an explanaion about the adaptation of those rules to 15mm…[Read more]

  • Paolo Gentili became a registered member 2 weeks, 3 days ago