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  • #188537

    Well, Nat certainly seems to think so, seeing as though he gave an invite a couple of months ago.


    So I’ve just scoured the core rulebook for any mention of special rules for half-tracks, and according to Page 103, in the ‘Vehicles’ section:

    “Half-tracked vehicles move at the same speed as tracked vehicles, but with the same manoeuvrability as wheeled vehicles.” Meaning they can only move up to 9″ but can also make two 90-degree turns or a full 180-degree turn when moving. Also, “half-tracked vehicles use the tracked vehicle column” on the movement on terrain table.

    So, mystery solved, then. It’s still not much of a trade-off unless you and your opponent are gearing for a muddy Ostfront or rocky Italian front game, but it just about barely justifies the cost. Thanks, Mark!

    And to answer your question, Aiden, it does specify that it is a soft-skin in the unit stats. Not all half-tracks were armoured up like Hanomags! It also apparently can’t tow anything, probably too busy lugging its own Flak gun around to faff with other people’s stuff.



    I live in Rotherham, South Yorkshire. I typically play (once in a blue moon) in the ever-excellent ‘Last Bastion’ game/hobby shop, though I can also play with anyone in Sheffield, as I’m not far away from there and am practically a ‘Sheffield-er’ myself!

    Eyup, fellow tabletop warriors!
    I’m Robert, you can call me Bob or Rob, but my official title (which I’ve made up) is Major-General Bunk! I’m an early-20’s graduate who’s been making plastic model kits of tanks and other things since 2008, and have been a tabletop wargamer (translation: justified continuing to push the models around making shooting noises) since roughly the mid-2010s.
    My current main game system is Bolt Action, of which I have two armies for (Soviets and Late-War Germans), and am planning to make a third…and fourth…maybe a fifth at some point down the line. I also have an army of Daleks and Cybermen for games of ‘Exterminate!’, which me and my local hobby shop manager have had especially great fun with! I must tell you the epic tale of the sword some time…one of many great tabletop war stories I have to tell, along with some Bolt Action homebrew tank stats I’d like to share!
    Oh, whilst I’m here, can anyone fetch me a link to the official Discord server? I’m quite active on that platform! Cheers!
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