

  • Cool beans.  Thanks.

    I’ve been trying to fill in the last 50 pounds of my order for Free Courier, and I’m trying to decide how best to fill it out (knowing that I’m making a trans-Atlantic trip hope in June.).  I guess I’ll wait and see what they have in mind for January!

  • I’ve heard rumours about a supplement for Canadians and possibly Canadian minis.  Does anyone know if this will actually be a thing, and if so, about when?

    Please & thank you!

  • Arzie replied to the topic Tesla Walkers in the forum Konflikt '47 3 years, 6 months ago

    I don’t see why not.  You might have to put a little elbow grease and finesse in to fit the parts just right, but I imagine it could be modded.

  • I was reading ‘Academy of Streetfighting’ last night which has options for naming your dudes and giving them personality, and thinking back to ‘Tank War,’ which has rules for XP for your tanks and wondering if XP rules existed for infantry and artillery units as well.  I think it’d be a nifty option to be able to have more narrative campaigns…[Read more]

  • Arzie changed their profile picture 4 years ago

  • Looking for an excuse to not paint your minis while locked down? Come on over to our Unofficial Warlord Discord Server and chat with us!

    So, I figured, especially with many of us being on lockdown, quarantine, shelter-in-place, or whathaveyou, something like this might be a good outlet for many of us.  Here in Italy, I’ve been on lockdown for…[Read more]

  • Arzie became a registered member 4 years ago