Melee Combat & the FAQ

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  • #170581
    Mike Penberthy

    A bit confused, if anyone out there can help to clarify a few things.

    1 – The FAQ now means that only those in base to base fight in melee. So does this mean that each BtB fight has to be rolled for separately as attacks can only be allocated to models in BtB with each other?
    So a Gaul warrior with 2 attacks in BtB with a single Legionary (1 wound) can only kill him once so if it scored two hits and two failed armour saves only one counts and the other is ignored.

    I thought the original melee rule was bad (a unit of 30 gauls on the charge rolling 90 dice even if only one got into BtB ), but if i’m interpreting the FAQ rule correctly then melee is now very time consuming (having to declare each individual fight).

    2- Does the FAQ changes affect how casualties are handled? – (p12 under Larger Units – removed from the rear)

    3- With Ongoing combat now that only those in BtB fight, if you declare a melee action can those not in BtB move into BtB as per paragraphs 2 & 3 under Melee Actions on p12?


    It’s all a bit of a mess, isn’t it?


    Think more of a blend of both…

    You roll attacks for everyone in base contact, and remove the models that fail the saves…

    Removing from the back.
    Pretty easy and clean imo.


    Sounds reasonable.

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