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Andy Lilof

If you come at this time of year you’re also likely to find events a the site.
Today- modelling display, and lots of vehicles, you’ll be sick of the sight of jeeps but you do get a few unusual ones too.
Universal carrier ( there’s a Lloyd carrier inside – one of those in 1.56 would also be nice…..Just saying😁) m5 and a Chaffee – ok that one isn’t in keeping with the campaign but it’s still cute.
Couple of German trucks including a Citroen in panzer Lher markings.

And as shown in the newsletter article…on top of a great selection of books ( they do those really well here) yes you can get bolt action kits there. That’s where my Pegasus bridge set came from last year ( a purchase decision fuelled by red wine…not me I was duty driver!)
This year? The New US infantry, well it is very near Omaha, and a shiwmwagen.
There are loads of great museums here, more than you can do justice of in one trip, but this one is a good one for an overall view of the campaign…Oh and it hosts the odd Bolt Action tournament…like this coming weekend.