Reply To: Units within 6 inches of a breaking unit

Home Forums Historical Black Powder Units within 6 inches of a breaking unit Reply To: Units within 6 inches of a breaking unit


Sorry, Garry, I have to respectfully call you on the reply above where you say a unit “supports the combat or not” within a 6″ circle.

Units that do not support a unit within 6″ do not make a break test. Only units that support a unit that breaks make the test. The rules are on page 70 for supports and page 78 for support break tests in BP2ed. This is just as Nat pointed out.

The only exceptions to that are if the unit that breaks is artillery or tiny. In that case, the support unit doesn’t have to make a break test (and again, another exception, that’s if the support unit isn’t tiny itself, in which case it would make the test.)

However, Garry, I reserve the right to be wrong, and If you can point out in the rules where I am I’ll happily take correction.



  • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by George.