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Slyde Klewlis

Robert, I live in Clark County, Vancouver Washington. Age 53. My Armies currently being painted are Imperial Japanese Pacific Island Defenders and USMC. I am wanting to run a Pacific Island campaign. I am a new player, prefer playing 2nd Edition rules with the FAQ and Errata changes. Currently I am almost finished painting a pacific Island Defenders IJA army for page 112 of the New Guinea Campaign Book. Its halfway done; 86 models. When that’s finished I will take a breather and make some more terrain fortifications then start in on the USMC models. I just finished up a jungle table with bomb craters and mud. Please to meet everyone. I just want to give a shout out to all the podcasters who keep me motivated and on task, Ghost Army, Snafu, Down Order, LRDG, Northern Front. If anyone can recommend any other podcasts to check out let me know please. Thanks.