Reply To: Forum Sub mails are all in Japanese or Chinese….what on earth..

Home Forums General Discussion Forum Sub mails are all in Japanese or Chinese….what on earth.. Reply To: Forum Sub mails are all in Japanese or Chinese….what on earth..

Richard Coates

Hi Jason,

sorry if this has caused you concern. We’ve had some spam posts on the forum which were in other languages, so anyone that has subscribed to these forums will get emails showing those messages as they were entered.

Warlord Games previously had a policy of manually approving all new forum users before they could post on the forums. We relaxed this rule for the first couple of weeks the new forums were open so that those eager to return to the forums could easily do so, without having to wait. Now that initial period is coming to an end, we are returning to administrators manually approving each new user, to prevent these spammers from getting in. That should mean an end to spam messages and no more emails like the ones you’ve received.

If you have any further questions or concerns you can message me directly on the forums.