Reply To: What's your next Warlord Games Purchase/Plan?

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After my Early Imperial Romans get here – on Tuesday, no doubt – I’ve got choices to make for when I get paid in June. Serious choices. Things like: should I go for Germanic Tribes or Dacians to be the glorious Legion’s main enemy? Does my Test of Honour collection need to be increased (the answer is yes, always yes)? Is it time to jump into the Thirty Years’ War with Pike & Shotte, or are Konflikt ’47 and Bolt Action the more logical choices (the previous two games bought concurrently, of course)? Then there’s the Gates of Antares conundrum…

How could the Dark Ages slip my mind? That’s never happened before. Anyway, I might end up happily ordering some more Vikings… and Saxons. Must not forget about the Saxons!

In summary: I have no idea what’s next.