Defensive Pila

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  • #167478
    Mike Mayes

    SPQR has a different take on Pila. Usually they are used as an offensive tool – something thrown at the enemy to foul their shields before the ROMANS charged into contact with the enemy.

    Has anyone tried house ruling changes to the equipment rules for Pila?


    invisible officer

    The pilum was used in attack and defence.

    We even have Ancient written sources about use in Hand to Hand fighting.

    So by Caesar’s men and Marcus Antumius Parthian campaign. (See for exmple Plutarch M.A.45.3)


    The common Story of the shield fouling is ….

    Caesar’s story of Gaulish shields being connected lacks probability, Gauls did not form a shieldwall with overlapping shields. Esp. not if charging. So how……

    Well the long shank with the big head was hard to get back through the shield. Anyway, only if your still able to try….. Not to forget the long iron was intended to reach the man, not for bending:

    The pilum was a formidable armour-piercing weapon and going easily through the shield it penetrated deep into unarmored men. (And most armored) So the “barbarian” hit had no time to worry about a fouled shield.

    Thelate Republican Marian weak wooden pin broke outside the shield, the wooden part hanging down. It was not common later. (see Hand to Hand fighting, not good if ….)

    So house rules are only necessary if you want to replay the old book story about the offensive only pilum.

    Mike Mayes

    Okay, but don’t the rules as written “against an enemy that is moving into close combat” make it a purely defensive weapon?

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